Our goal is to fund outdoor inclusion initiatives that are “by the community, for the community." We use a trust-based approach to dismantle historical barriers to funding. In this initial pilot round of grants, Together Outdoors will make one-time awards of $5,000 to $10,000.
Inclusive Micro-Grant Awardees
2024 Grantmaking Focus Areas
Research + Resources
Monetary support for the development of research and resources concerning inclusion in the outdoors, such as toolkits, educational resources, audio and video resources, and linguistic translations.
Activating Change Outdoors
Outdoor recreation-related programming, events, and leadership development initiatives that benefit communities of color, LGBTQIA+, underserved regions, people with disabilities, and/or other intersecting minority groups.
Proposal must align with grant’s focus areas.
This grant program is limited to applicants in the United States of America, including territories.
Grant funding may not be used to support political advocacy, fundraising, lobbying, litigation, terrorist activities, or Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.
501(c)(3) status is not required to apply, but individuals cannot apply for their sole benefit. Fiscal sponsorships are eligible.
The applicant’s organizational or project income level must currently be under $300,000.
The applicant must have received less than $100,000 in grants in the last two years.
Applicants must serve a majority constituency of communities of color, LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, and/or other intersecting minority groups.
Evaluation Process
Following submission, applications are subjected to an initial administrative screening to ensure each application matches the eligibility criteria.
The Together Outdoors Divisional Board will review grant applications and score for need, feasibility, sustainability, and relationship to Together Outdoors’ mission.
This round for Together Outdoors Inclusive Micro-Grant program is now closed. This page will be updated with the next round of application dates in late summer 2024.
The grant application consists of:
Applicant Information
Applicant name
Project Information
Organizational or project status (nonprofit, for profit, social enterprise, fiscally sponsored project, or other)
Geographic location of work (local vs. regional or national scale)
Focus area (research and resources or events and programming)
Project budget
Requested grant amount
Current operating budget if applicable
Project Proposal
Written project proposal (maximum length of 5,000 characters recommended)
Video submission (maximum length of three minutes recommended)
Letter of Recommendation (optional)
There is no required format for your application. Please submit all applications to togetheroutdoors@recreationroundtable.org
For media inquiries and to learn more about future opportunities please contact us at togetheroutdoors@recreationroundtable.org